I came
across the documentary American Teacher
as I learning about education policy to teach a new course on Homeschooling and
the Law. Although the course focuses
primarily on the legal aspects of homeschooling, issues with the public school
system in many ways prompted the modern homeschooling movement. As a result, we
will discuss various educational reform efforts at the beginning of the
American Teacher is a film about the challenges that
public educators face. A lack of
resources (e.g., materials, time, support) to do one’s job is one huge
challenge addressed. But another major
challenge addressed in the film is how teachers are underpaid. To my surprise, the issue of teacher salary
was actually a major component of the film.
American Teacher notes that when public schools
originated the teachers were mostly men.
But the film describes that early in the 20th century there
was a conscious effort to recruit women to the profession. The reason for this was that at that point in
time, women could be paid less than men for the same job. It would cost less to educate kids if women
did the work.
The film
also noted that men have become an increasingly small minority in the teaching
profession over the last several decades.
The film theorized that decline is because of the poor pay. The film describes how men used to be able to
support a family on a teacher’s salary but no longer are.
I’ll flag that even before the women’s movement, moms, grandmas, aunts and
sisters have sometimes had to support a family from their earnings when the
father (or other men) of the household died or abandoned them. It is interesting to me that that reality is
never addressed. The debate is always on
the man-supporting-a-family model.
in the film noted that our current educational system is built on the premise
that women who teach do not have to support a family. They are presumed to have husbands who are
the primary breadwinner. The wives’
teaching salaries is thus thought to just be an added financial perk, but not
really necessary to a family’s well-being.
With that framework, it doesn’t matter that the salary is not
competitive with other professions.
The film
focused on a handful of good teachers across the country.
The two male
teachers featured both had families.
Though it was not clear, it appeared their wives did not work outside
the home. They describe the birth of
their children as putting great financial stress on their families. Both of the featured male teachers
illustrated the issue that a man could not support his family on a teacher’s
gentleman had saved a lot from real estate investments, which he thought would
help bridge the gap from his teaching salary.
Ultimately, it did not. He left
teaching primarily for financial reasons after he became a dad. He joined the family business to support his
family. He noted that even in an off
year, in the family business he was earning twice what he earned as a
teacher. Moreover, he had a lot more
control over his schedule and workload.
He had less stress and more time with his family. Unfortunately, he seemed sad about his
professional choice. Clearly, he had
loved making a difference in students’ lives.
The other male
teacher featured in the film had not left teaching, but had worked a second-job
for many years. After teaching a
full-day, he then spent another five plus hours loading heavy merchandise onto
forklifts and into customers’ vehicles.
Working round the clock to make ends meet took a huge toll on his
family. He rarely got to spend time with
his children. Due to exhaustion, he fell
asleep at family functions. The family’s
home was foreclosed. Eventually, he and
his wife divorced. She said that he was
never home; she felt like she hadn’t had a husband when they were married.
female teachers were featured in the film.
Two were apparently single women without dependents. They both described the long hours they put
in, and how much they relied upon their own money to provide basic supplies for
their classrooms.
These two
single women also described the grueling hours the devoted to their jobs. Insightfully, one of these women stated quite
strongly that every teacher, whom she respected professionally, worked 6-7 days
per week and during evenings. The
suggestion was that if you weren’t working such hours, you were not dedicated
and not a good teacher.
The third
female teacher featured was pregnant at the start of the film. She was scheduled to give birth to her first
child mid-way through the academic year, but was only allotted 6 weeks of paid
maternity leave no matter what. It was
not entirely clear, but it appeared that she was the sole breadwinner of her family. Her husband stayed home to care for their
baby full-time. Among other things, the
film followed the struggle this female teacher went through to find time and a
place during the school day to express milk for her baby. She was also exhausted after being up with
her baby in the night and then teaching all day.
In one
interview, this new mom described how exhausted she was and how she wasn’t even
taking care of herself. She mentioned
everyone kept asking how she could come back so quickly after giving birth, but
rather exasperated she asked rhetorically what choice she had. Her husband and she did not have rich parents
and had to support themselves. They
needed her paycheck. It seemed like
those around her did not anticipate that her teaching salary would be
financially necessary to sustain a whole family.
the end of the film, this same teacher seemed to express ambivalence about
continuing on as a dedicated teacher now that she was a mom. She indicated her priorities were shifting. She said that for the first time in her adult
life, something other than her students needed to come first. She could no longer sacrifice everything for
At the end
of the film, it was noted that one of the two single female teachers had gotten
married and had given birth to her first child.
It was added that she took a year off from teaching and was not yet sure
if she would be returning.
Ruth 2:2
One day Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, “Let me go out into the harvest fields to pick up the stalks of grain left behind by anyone who is kind enough to let me do it.” Naomi replied, “All right, my daughter, go ahead.”