Monday, September 26, 2011

Guest Blogger Submissions

In my predecessor blog, I posted the essays of several different guest bloggers.  It is wonderful to read and share the perspective of other people on related themes and topics.  It makes this blog a richer experience for everyone.
To that end, I wanted to offer that if any reader is interested in having his or her essay posted on this blog, please send me an e-mail with an explanation of your proposed topic.  Please e-mail me at:
There is no political or theological litmus test.  Conservatives, progressives, moderates are all welcome. 
Moreover, although the focus of this blog is the impact of Christianity on our laws and government, I would not limit the offer to only Christians.  I think it would be enlightening for myself and for readers of the blog to hear from non-Christians.  To that end, Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Agnostics, Hindus, Sikhs, Atheists and others are all welcome. 
I am an American and was raised in multicultural communities such that I have a great respect and interest in other perspectives.  We often grow most when we are challenged to look at events or beliefs through the lens of people with a different approach or different life experiences.

Job 34:16
If you have understanding, hear this; listen to what I say.

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